By now, you know that Project Black Flag is the code name for Kobold Press’s endeavor to update and streamline a core fantasy RPG based on 5E Dungeons & Dragons SRD 5.1.
One part of this effort is publishing the Core Fantasy Roleplaying rules, to be released under an open, perpetual, and irrevocable license.
That might be a bit of a word salad, though. So let’s talk this out.
Project Black Flag is the whole big idea of what Kobold Press is doing. It has a lot of pieces, some of which are not even visible yet, but it includes things like creating partnerships, streamlining rules, and supporting the community.
The Core Fantasy Roleplaying (CFR) rules are a big piece of Project Black Flag. These rules will be available to anyone who wants to publish game content with them. CFR is the rules system that will support Project Black Flag supplements you create and the ones we create.
Kobold Press aims for the CFR rules to keep 5E products that the community has already created relevant. And we want to do it while providing a compatible option for the future.
How to Find a Core Fantasy Roleplaying Game in the Wild
But you’re going to need to know what’s what on the store shelves, right? So we made a logo for that.
The Core Fantasy Roleplaying logo will be available to all partner companies and freelance publishers who create content for Project Black Flag. This makes it easy for gamers to identify 5E-compatible releases.
For instance, a virtual tabletop might show a CFR logo in a product release. Or you would find a PDF on DriveThruRPG in both the CFR section and the 5E search section.
What’s in the Rules?
The Core Fantasy Roleplaying rules will contain basic classes, lineage, spells, talents, and monsters. This includes a complete Player’s Guide and a GM’s Monster Vault with encounter-building tools.
We expect to have the CFR rules complete for public use by the end of the year. That means freelancers, companies, and individuals can begin creating using CRF by 2024 at no additional cost and with no strings attached.
Get Involved!
We update our Project Black Flag FAQ Page weekly to keep you in the loop. Check the FAQ to get your questions answered.
Finally, remember that Playtest Packet #1 Feedback is due Monday, February 27, at 11:59 PM PT. Use the feedback form to tell us your thoughts!
Getting your input now provides the design team time to review it while preparing Playtest Packet #2 (coming March 2023). We appreciate all the submissions the community has provided to date. We’re paying attention, and we look forward to more to come. Until next week!
Questions? Check out the Project Black Flag FAQ page. We update this weekly to provide a more transparent view of our process.
The post Project Black Flag Friday: Core Fantasy Roleplay appeared first on Kobold Press.